12 Asheville Butoh Festival

Announcing the 12th Asheville Butoh Festival

Please join us for the Asheville Butoh Festival, now in its twelfth season!
October 25-28, 2018
BeBe Theatre, 20 Commerce Street, Asheville, NC 28801
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Asheville Butoh Festival Schedule of Events

Thursday, October 25, 8PM & Sunday, October 28, 7PM
“Black, White, Red and Other”, a solo retrospective by Julie Becton Gillum
General Admission $18, Students and Seniors $15

Friday/Saturday, October 26 and 27, 8PM
Seisaku and Yuri Nagaoko
General Admission $18, Students and Seniors $15

Saturday & Sunday, October 27 & 28, 1-5PM
Workshops by Seisaku and Yuri Nagaoko
$40 each

Seisaku and Yuri Nagaoko

Seisaku At age 19, Seisaku started learning Butoh under Tatsumi Hijikata. After Hijikata’s death, he joined the butoh group “Hakutobo” working with Yoko Ashikawa, touring and performing as a dancer both in Japan and internationally. Seisaku has developed his solo dance and group performances as well as directed and choreographed for many theatrical productions.

Yuri Nagaoka, born in Tokyo, began her ballet training at the age of ten. At twelve she joined Hiraoka Shiga Dance Company to learn modern ballet. She took interest in various forms of performing arts and saw many dance and theater performances, encountering Butoh in her late teens. Since then she has been active in creating and showing her own performance pieces, both in Japan and overseas. Yuri has performed and taught workshops in South Korea, Hungary, Poland, Germany, France, United States and Mexico. As an actress, Nagaoka participated in the film “Shureitachi,” directed by Masaki Iwana in 2004.

“Dance Medium” In 2005, Nagaoka founded butoh company “Dance Medium” and began working with Seisaku to create and perform group pieces. In 2012, Nagaoka and Seisaku were awarded a prize from Japan Dance Critics Association for the piece “Kaeru” (Coming Home)

“Black, White, Red and Other”
a solo retrospective by Julie Becton Gillum

Asheville Butoh Festival director, Julie Gillum will present “Black, White, Red and Other,” an evening of four solos, created over the last 17 years. Live accompaniment will be provided for two works by local composer Kimathi Moore and a yet to be named “Elvis” impersonator. Gillum’s butoh influenced work, illustrating both personal and universal themes of the human condition, has been performed at festivals in New York, Chicago, Seattle, Boulder, and Mexico. Love, shifting emotions, faith and sorrow, rendered through flesh and bone . . . the realm of butoh dance.